Pinterest Growth Engine

Growing a social media following is a must these days, but unless you are Justin Bieber it’s going to take a lot of work. This is a social media growth service designed specifically for busy entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their brand and sales through Pinterest, with minimal effort on your part.

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    • All followers are real and targeted
    • Monthly report of new follower activity, upon request
    • 100-1000+ Pinterest followers every month
    • Information on your business and target audience
    • White list of accounts you want to remain following (if necessary)
    • Access to Pinterest account (your login information)
    • Any direct competitors that are on Pinterest with a large following

    Yes all new followers are 100% real and targeted. You may find some places online that sell followers, these are mostly farmed networks or fake accounts. That is not what we offer.
    Each day we'll perform many tasks in order to grow your account, following, unfollowing, favoriting, etc to organically grow your audience.
    There are several factors. In general it is related to the size of your account from the start. Once we get good momentum with growing your followers, the faster we can run with results every month.
    Once you provide us with your ideal customer, we'll focus our efforts on a particular target or niche. For example, if your product or service targets moms, then that's who we'll work on getting moms to follow you.
    Yes. Any account not following you upon purchase will be unfollowed during this campaign. If you want to remain following certain profiles, please send us a white list of these accounts immediately after purchase. For example - friends, family, colleagues, industry related accounts, etc.
    New campaigns are generally underway in 1-2 business days, and we will be in touch as soon as it kicks off to let you know.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.
    Yes! You can resume doing your normal activity. We will be working in the background, but your account will still be 100% in your possession.
    You will likely need to verify your account. This happens from multiple computer logins. Your social media platform is just confirming with you to secure your account. Don’t worry, your account is 100% safe.
    We can target by hashtag and targeting accounts that have similar followers that you'd like to have.
    You remain in control of all the content you post. We do not post any images for you. This allows you to solely focus on posting the best material possible, while we focus on bringing you the right audience to view your Pinterest.
    It is important to continue pinning content to your account on a regular basis. Since these are real people, they're much more likely to follow and remain following an active account.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $99 for a limited time.

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