Complete SEO

If you want total done-for-you white-hat SEO, this is your gig. Our expert SEO team uses the techniques that work to boost your organic search rankings. It starts with keyword research, making sure you’re going after the right search terms. Then, our team will perform a thorough on-page audit of our site, including recommendations for how to correctly work those keywords into your page. After that our professional web team will implement those changes on your site for you. Finally we build links to your website to improve authority and ranking.

Begin Service Today   Only $799 for a limited time.

    • Dedicated SEO manager
    • Total SEO for up to 10 pages
    • Full keyword research – will find up to 50 great keywords for your site (week 1)
    • Thorough, 50 page technical audit with recommendations (week 1)
    • Content improvement roadmap – what you need to do to improve performance/rankings (week 2)
    • On-page SEO recommendations – what changes need to be made to pages to improve rankings (week 2)
    • On-page SEO implementation – after approval, we’ll make those changes for you (week 3)
    • White-hat link building – guest post placements, citations, outreach – we aim for links that will boost rankings (week 4)
    • Website we will be working on
    • Keywords you think are important
    • Top competitors
    • Website and hosting credentials

    The service is designed to take a month to complete. You should also expect to continue the service for at least three months for best possible results. The specific link building and mix of services changes slightly month to month to enhance overall success.
    That depends on a lot of factors. How competitive your niche is, how strong your domain is relative to competitors, your existing backlink profile and anchor-text diversity, the types of results that tend to dominate the SERPs, etc. If you're in an extremely competitive niche and/or are looking for faster results, we suggest you buy two gigs. If you started with our On-Page gig you'll already likely be seeing results, and those will accelerate as the off-site work begins to contribute. Also, please remember that we do not decide what shows up in search results and no one can guarantee you the number 1 spot (or any other spot).
    No, for outreach we can’t guarantee any links at all – it’s the nature of this kind of link building. It’s 100% safe, but requires editorial placement of links and that can’t be assured. We do use multiple techniques to acquire links, so we’ll generally see at least 2 per month.
    That depends on a lot of different factors, including how competitive your keywords are and what your domain authority and backlink profile look like. It also depends on how much improvement needed to be done. If you were not optimized at all for the right keywords, you could see substantial improvement.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $799 for a limited time.

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