
Our proprietary, white hat promotion service produces results unlike ever before. We will get any business ranked on the first page of Google results for relevant keyword phrases in just 5-10 business days.

Traditional SEO still works well if you have oodles of time, money, and skill. We know. Our team has been doing SEO for 20 years. Most clients want something faster, easier, and more affordable. That's why we now offer a proprietary service that publishes quality content promoting your business on existing web properties that Google already loves. This network gets our content ranked almost immediately. Try it out today and see results in just a few days!

Subscribe (3 months, 1 campaign/month)   Only $1,785 for a limited time.

Subscribe (3 months, 2 campaigns/month)   Only $3,570 for a limited time.

Subscribe (12 months, 2 campaigns/month)   Only $14,280 for a limited time.

    • We offer multiple packages with different amounts of campaigns and timeframes.
    • Campaign = one unique piece of content written and published for a single business/location
    • We recommend one or two campaigns per business/location per month for best results
    • 100% of the work is handled by our team
    • All writing and publication is done by our team
    • Results are guaranteed. If we do not get a first page ranking for a piece of content, we will run another campaign for free.
    • Business name, address, website
    • Business brief description
    • Business logo (if any)
    • Unique aspects of business that make good discussion points (if any)

    The objective is to have content promoting your business appear at the top of search results for keyword phrases related to your business and location. You are buying a recurring monthly service. Each month, we run a certain number of campaigns (as determined by the subscription you select). Each campaign consists of a piece of professionally written content and publication of that content through our relationship with hundreds of quality web properties.
    Each piece of content is direct promotion for your business. They include links to your business web site, phone number and address. Web searchers that find our content are easily, immediately connected to your business directly.
    This depends on many factors, including what your business offers, your location(s), market interest, competition, and more. Each campaign does receive traffic from many sources, including Google Search, Google News and hundreds of other quality web properties.
    We typically target low-to-mid competition keyword phrases for the fastest and most consistent results. Highly competitive keywords have multi-million dollar businesses, black hat SEOs, and firms with thousands of employees targeting then. Our belief is that we are better off ranking content for your business in many different low-to-mid competition keywords over time. These results stack up well to grow your overall traffic.
    That's great! This service will add to your search engine results without cannibalizing your existing SEO efforts. The content we produce and published will be on high quality, high traffic web sites that search engines already love. No changes will be made to your existing web site.
    Our service should have no effect on your web site because no changes are made to your web site. If your web site is already penalized by search engines, this service is perfect because we'll get your business front-and-center with prospective clients without relying on your web site's status with search engines.
    Please do not invest in our services if your family cannot afford them. Feel free to come back when your business is ready. We'll be here and ready to help!
    We guarantee that our custom written piece of content for your campaign will be ranked on the first page of Google for a keyword phrase related to your business and/or location. If it isn't, we'll do a new campaign. This guarantee should eliminate your fear of risk, knowing your investment is safe with us.
    We guarantee that our custom written piece of content for your campaign will be ranked on the first page of Google for a keyword phrase related to your business and/or location. If it isn't, we'll do a new campaign. We're sure you understand there's no way we can guarantee that your business will receive more clients and/or revenue -- there are too many variables. Of course, we're also sure you'll agree that having your business ranking on the first page of Google certainly increases the probability of your growth.
    Due to the nature of service businesses (i.e. time cannot be returned), we do not issue refunds. We provide an excellent service, we do what we promise, and we guarantee our process works.
    We will send you a summary report for each campaign that shows the content we created and published. It will list all of the places the content is published. It's easy to search Google for keyword phrases in the title of the content pieces to see placements.
    Nope, we will handle it end-to-end. However, we will ask a few questions at the start so we know a bit about your business.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire. We'll then be in touch if we have any additional questions.
    No problem. Place an order and then contact us to cancel the recurring charge at least 5 business days before the end of your subscription period.
    Once the content has been published, it cannot be edited by anyone for any reason. We do not control this. To streamline our process and allow you to focus on your business, clients typically do not view/edit the content before it is published. If you want to review the content before it is published and make suggested edits, we can offer you this service for an additional fee per campaign ($50 to view, $150 additional to make edit suggestions).

    Don't delay!

    Subscribe (3 months, 1 campaign/month)   Only $1,785 for a limited time.

    Subscribe (3 months, 2 campaigns/month)   Only $3,570 for a limited time.

    Subscribe (12 months, 2 campaigns/month)   Only $14,280 for a limited time.

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