Monthly Infographic

The best marketing blogs all use Infographics to drive likes, shares, and sales. Problem is, they are expensive. We’ve been doing infographics for years and have worked with some of the biggest names worldwide, delivering high-quality infographics for a crazy low price.

Begin Service Today   Only $199 for a limited time.

    • One complete infographic in flat graphic icon design (per month)
    • Infographic is 100% branded and exclusive for your business
    • Research for the content and data needed for design
    • Up to 10 data points for the topic of your choice included
    • Up to two revisions on copy
    • One minor revision on design
    • All file types available at the end - PDF, JPG
    • Style Branding Guideline
    • Topic of the infographic
    • Logo, links, and branding instructions (if any)
    • Examples of other infographics you like (if any)

    Infographics allow the presentation of data and information in a much more visually engaging way so that readers want to know more and read on. You can get your message or information across much quicker using pictures - like they say, a picture tells a thousand words.
    Nope, we will handle it end-to-end. However if you would like to use a specific resource or data set we are happy to use anything you wish.
    Infographics are shared and linked to more often than other formats. The two work very well together.
    We search for information on the internet and source from reliable news/research papers and blogs. We compile up to 10 points along with references and submit to you for feedback. This process of data compilation/research takes 1 working day. We start the design after we get a heads up from the you on the research.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.
    You are able to cancel your service before renewal. Please cancel one or two days before your service is set to renew - based on a 30-day cycle from when you purchased.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $199 for a limited time.

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