Case Study

Your very best marketing tool is a success story. Case studies provide an opportunity to publish your successes. We will create a 1000-word case study you can use to influence and convert potential customers.

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    • 1000-word case study that creates a shared experience for your clients
    • One round of revisions (as necessary)
    • All research and data compilation
    • Documents delivered in a .doc(x) file
    • Understanding of your business and offerings
    • Detailed information regarding your client and the situation you resolved
    • Relevant links to product information and/or client site

    Our writers have experience writing in all kinds of industries. We strive to research and create the best possible content for each of our clients individual needs.
    Case studies are powerful tools that build client confidence. I will tell the wonderful story of how your product or service (for example) saved your client money, won them additional leads, increased their efficiency and/or brought them to the next level.
    Yes, up to one revision as long as they aren't complete rewrites.
    Any business that provides a service or product that improves lives or business of their customers
    We’ll upload your content in a .doc(x) or .rtf formats, whichever you prefer.
    Yes, you can still use this service.It is certainly ideal to have data and feedback directly from customers. It is however an alternative strategy of results from a similar service/strategy.
    We will come up with a desired strategy, starting with you providing business and customer information, links, resources etc.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $299 for a limited time.

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