Email Drip Campaign

Email drip campaigns are a series of emails that introduce your business to your prospect/customer. Using evergreen content such as info on your business, your story, testimonials, press, and offers/discounts, you can develop a highly effective way to keep your new or existing customers informed and interested. A relevant software tool will be chosen to integrate your email drip so that it can be automated and tracked.

Begin Service Today   Only $699 for a limited time.

    • Research your Brand, Target Audience and Product/Service
    • Review your existing emails (if any) as well as your current on-boarding process
    • Develop an email plan
    • Create the email copy: welcome email, day 3, day 5, day 7, day 10, day 14, day 21, and 2 retention emails
    • Plug in the emails to your preferred email automation software
    • Add Customer leads list into preferred email automation software
    • Test email flow to ensure it works properly
    • Begin sending emails to leads
    • Information about your business
    • Book an initial call to go over business objectives and fill out worksheet
    • Any images like logo or product/service shots you want to include in the email copy

    We offer one round of major revisions, and minor revisions after that if necessary. Minor revisions include spelling and grammar errors.
    Yes, we will recommend one for you to use based on your business needs. However, you may need to invest at minimum $10/month for a software service to get started with automation.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $699 for a limited time.

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