Social Media Management (x2)

Social media marketing is a highly profitable opportunity for businesses, but the DIY way is hard, and hiring someone to manage your accounts full-time is expensive. Not anymore, with this service you can check the done box on your social media marketing.

Begin Service Today   Only $289 for a limited time.

    • Social Media Management for two (2) accounts
    • Choice of any 2: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
    • A dedicated social media account manager
    • Ability to view and request edits to content prior to posting
    • 5 posts published per week (once per day)
    • Imagery included on up to 3 posts
    • Responses to messages and posts, flag inappropriate comments (when applicable)
    • Suggestions for profile optimization (if necessary)
    • Engagement and analytics report, once or twice monthly (upon request)
    • One consultation call, if necessary.
    • Access to social media accounts
    • Quick survey to help us match your brand's voice & develop social calendar to establish types of posts, topics and frequency

    All businesses need a strong social presence. We support businesses big and small by maintaining a consistent presence on social media.
    Certain industries have special needs we can accommodate. For example, post listings for real estate professionals, and promotions for ecommerce sites. The client can send us pictures or any special requests and we are happy to execute.
    Yes - you can dictate the calendar.
    Post curated content, account monitoring, flagging, and notifying of engagement on (2) of your social accounts.
    A strategic balance of several types of content: News, educational, time-related, promotional, inspirational, questions that inspire interaction and qualitative feedback.
    No, this service is for management of two social media accounts for the same company, business, or brand.
    The growth engine is not included in this service. If you'd also like the growth engine, you'll need to purchase that separately.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $289 for a limited time.

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