Retargeting Management

You can relax knowing we are geeking out in your Retargeting account every day, making sure it’s running and working to its fullest potential. We do all the Retargeting Ads work for you. 10 years of PPC... It’s all we do!

Begin Service Today   Only $149 for a limited time.

    • Retargeting Setup on Google or Facebook
    • 100% Custom Remarketing Banners For Your Business
    • Text Ad Creation and Copy
    • Monthly Management of Your Campaign
    • Split Testing of Ads and Creative
    • Generation of Your Audience Pixel (in Google or Facebook)
    • Instructions on Placing Your Tracking & Retargeting Codes
    • This is for one (1) Business URL
    • A monthly report
    • Your Google Adwords Or Facebook Advertising account number.
    • You will need to have access to your website to place tracking codes
    • A credit card attached to the Business Manager Account or AdWords for your daily advertising spend.
    • Access to business manager account.
    • Facebook Page Admin Access
    • Facebook Ad Admin Account Access
    • The Daily Budget Will Be Paid by Client

    Full time team of 5 paid traffic experts... It's all we do! Founded in 2005, we made a decision we have stuck with since day one - our only focus is on paid traffic.
    We are a Google Certified partner. This means Google backs us up and we have a team of 5 Google employees we can lean on when needed. This is good for us, but better for you as you literally have Googlers taking a look into your accounts if needed.
    There are zero setup fee and zero hidden fees. What you're quoted is what you pay each month, nothing more.
    There are zero long term contracts. We hate long terms contracts, and we work month-to- month with all of our clients. You can cancel anytime (although no one does!)
    Google Remarketing: Yes, the Google remarketing code will be generated. It will be up to the client to add the code to all pages of the website and/or landing pages. We will provide details and support on how to install it etc. Note: If the client requires dev help to install the codes we could charge a $50.00 one-time fee
    If clients wish, they may see and approve all text ads or images ads before going live. We typically will have creative license to create the ads, ad copy and image ads. These ads will of course be in line with the client's goals and business. This will only be if the client requests this, otherwise it would slow down the process greatly.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.
    A budget of at least $300 is recommended. That equates to $10 per day based off one month of advertising. This service "allows" up to $5000 per month. A budget of $500 is typically an excellent starting point to allow for enough traffic each day.
    PPC is an ongoing service that requires time, data and optimizations to get it well oiled and worked. While the services are month to month, we ask that clients give at least 90 days to allow us to grow and optimize the campaigns. Clients can expect to see traffic and "results" within the first 30 days. The "results" (leads, calls, sales or whatever the goal) will only improve over time. It's very common to turn on a PPC campaign and see leads come in the same day!

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $149 for a limited time.

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