Adwords Management

You can relax knowing we completely manage your Adwords account, making sure it's running and working to its fullest potential. We do all the Adwords work for you.

Begin Service Today   Only $299 for a limited time.

    • 100% of Adwords Account Management for Your Business!
    • You'll have a dedicated account manager who is a Google AdWords certified digital marketing specialist.
    • New campaigns, we will setup your Adwords campaign from scratch
    • Existing campaigns, we will optimize your existing campaigns to take them to the next level
    • A briefing on the goals (more leads, sales, branding etc.)
    • We support ad spends up to $5,000 per month
    • Complete setup or re-structure of campaigns
    • Full geo and demographic targeting and setup
    • Geographical targets (if needed for multiple locations)
    • Ad creation and copy
    • Provide you with a detailed monthly report
    • Access To Your Account OR We'll Create a New One
    • Your Monthly PPC Budget
    • You'll Fill Out a Question Sheet To Get Started

    Your campaign is guaranteed to be live within the first month. We can't quote an exact time for it to be up and running, as it's case-by-case, but it's usually within 12-15 business days from when we receive your information.
    Yes, the Google conversion tracking code is generated. It will be up to the client to place the conversion tracking code on the pages required to track conversions. It does not include Google Analytics or the generation of the code each month.
    If clients wish, they may see and approve all text ads or images ads before going live. We typically will have creative license to create the ads, ad copy and image ads. These ads will of course be in line with the client's goals and business. This will only be if the client requests this, otherwise it would slow down the process greatly.
    There are zero setup fee and zero hidden fees. What you're quoted is what you pay each month, nothing more. You are responsible for your ad budget.
    A budget of at least $300 is recommended. That equates to $10 per day based off one month of advertising. This service "allows" up to $5000 per month. A budget of $500 is typically an excellent starting point to allow for enough traffic each day.
    There are zero long term contracts. We hate long terms contracts, and we work month-to- month with all of our clients. You can cancel anytime.
    Your assigned digital marketing specialist will be Google AdWords certified and experienced. The team reports to a digital marketing manager who is also AdWords certified.
    No, it doesn't include landing page creation.
    It’s pretty simple, after you purchase you will receive a brief questionnaire where you'll provide all the info needed. We'll then be in touch on the messenger to let you know we're getting started. Done and done.

    Don't delay!

    Begin Service Today   Only $299 for a limited time.

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